-edible zone-

Richard Cheong,

Hong Kong

The speakers have just been changed to a pair of Audio Physic Virgo III's.

Analog: Oracle Delphi Mark V w/Turbo supply,

Graham 2.2 Deluxe, Lyra Helikon SL,

Symposium Ultra platform,

Townshend Seismic Sink

(also stored: Thorens TD226, Luxman PD441, FR64S arm, Accuphase AC2, Lyra Helikon, Koetsu Onyx)

Phonostage: Klyne Audio Arts 7PX3.55 with Corian Flotation pad option

(also stored: Kiseki MCT2, Cotter Mk. II transformer, Mark Levinson JC2)

Digital: Sony SCD777ES SACD player

preamp.: Cello Palette preamp

Power amp.: Marantz 9's (re-issues) with Mullard EL34's (XF2) and Siemens & Halske CCA's (1950's), RCA Cleartop 6CG7

Speakers: ProAc Response 2.5 (just replaced by Audio Physic Virgo III's)

Cables: Audio Note ANSPx, Rennaisance Audio, Klyne DragonFly Wings Signature, Ortofon TSW5000, Kimber KCAG, Combak Harmonix XDC

Other accessories: Audio Prism Power Foundation 3, Symposium Rollerblocks, SolidTech "Feet of Silence", Combak Harmonix TU210 feet, TAOC SS series racks (2), SolidSteel amp stands (2), Bright Star Audio Little Rock, Goldmund cones, DAAD bass trap.