-edible zone-

Checking the Iron platter of the TD124 for magnetic attraction to a Denon DL-103R in one of Uwe's Panbzerholz wood bodies..

   Micro-Tech Scale (click thumbnail for full size image)

Above: The Micro-Tech vtf gage sitting over the platter mat. The short platform on the side is designed to take the weight of the stylus. This design approximates record level while measuring the downward force of the stylus.

   Reading taken away from the iron platter underneath.  Downforce measures 1.8 grams

   Reading taken directly over the iron platter underneath.  Downforce measures 2.3 grams

These measurements indicate a magnetic pull of  1/2 gram between the iron flywheel beneath and the DL-103R above at record level.  The solution is to make your vtf settings with the cartridge and scale positioned above the iron flywheel.  This setting will remain constant during record play.

As different cartridges come to me I will report their magnetic attraction, or the lack thereof, to the iron platter of my TD124 (sn13943)