-edible zone-

Revox A-77

I bought this thing off eBay for $99 after having been to the VSAC 08 audio show held in Vancouver, Wa. On display at that show was a strong sample of R2R and I was intrigued. Also I knew going in that the expenses required to do this area of the hobby good and proper were kinda way up and out of range. Instead I decided get a small sample just to chew on it a little. This A77 was the first.

Cosmetics are very good with walnut veneer cabinetry as shown in photos. It looked pretty when I received it.

Mechanical: Does not play tapes. Powers up. The light above the power switch lights up. Reel motors operate correctly. Capstan motor does not hold speed. Tape counter is functional. VU meters do not function. Well, ... I didn't pay that much and it looked sharp so long as you didn't look too close at the Top back panel around the rca plugs. That is where you see plain evidence of rust. Dirty brown patina on what should be shiny like chrome. Not a good sight. I was to learn a bit later after looking within, that the mfr (Revox) didn't invest too much in the way of plating to protect from rust.

At end of assessment this A77 turned out to be a nice looking walnut box full of rusty bits. To be fair the seller did mention in his ad something about it having been out in the garage..... or some similar.

That is ok. I was able to salvage several important components from within which were not affected by rust and sold those individually over eBay. And the sale of the cabinet by itself recompensed my original investment. In the end I did not sell everything of value. I retained the capstan motor and its control circuitry for further study along with all of the electronics.

*A77 (click thumbnail for full image)

*Revox A77 Revox A77 Revox A77 Revox A77

*Revox top panel at back

*Revox A77 Revox A77 Revox A77

  ___________________horizontal rule 

*Delving within:

 Ok I bought a non-functional Revox - but - for the cost I paid, and what you can get for those parts of it that were useful, I view it as a positive learning experience.  My first r2r. Caution; idiot off his leash - - again

In an earlier, more foolish period of my life I had fiddled around a little with English sports cars from the sixties, A mini and an mgb.  They were fun to play with.  Full of character. And the look of what's inside this box, reminds me of an mgb and what's under its hood er bonnet ;^).  European and of a time I can remember.  But I digress.

What did I do with it? Oh, you mean the A77? ...I disassembled the thing..... to the point where all components were removed from the chassis frame. 

*components Cabinet A77 (click thumbnail for full image)

*A77 exposed Rusty Capstan Motor Capstan  --  with rust Capstan - showing rust

*A77 detail rusty, isn't it more rust

By 2018 I had salvaged a few components that were not damaged by corrosion. The outer walnut cabinetry was sold over eBay and this sale recompensed for the entire original purchase price from 2009. (Not counting for inflation.) Then the Papst reel motors were sold. All of the circuit boards and attached electronics are saved in a box.  The Capstan motor was retained.  It's a cage-rotor motor designed for precise constant rpm. Interesting, no?


*Capstan A77 Capstan Motor A77 Capstan Motor

*Capstan Stator (click thumbnail for full image)