-edible zone-
-- Date: 10/20/2003
1) Receiving the table -Rolf's comments: "a very interesting table came to me this afternoon. The customer came over 600 Km to bring it to my workshop. It is a Reference 1 - serial number 22. It was found in a cellar.....
--After twelve years in the cellar's atmosphere......
12) 13) An SME 3009 Series III
19) scars.....and....20) more scars
* "This evening I changed the bearing oil and I started the table. It runs, a little low in speed but just adjustable. The motor pulley was bad, some little noise...so I looked in stock for exchange - and I found these parts."
31) "Returning to the table, I saw him dying. Total collapse of the power supply. One of the two main capacitors was shorted, so I replaced both."
* "The table runs again, I also replaced the pulley clutch, see pictures. Tomorrow I will look after the 3 phase motor drive, to normalize speed deviation. The bearing is absolutely perfect."
36) "if You turn it by hand to speed, it turns for a cigarette length"
_____________________________________________________horizontal rule