-edible zone-

-- Date: 10/20/2003

1) Receiving the table -Rolf's comments:  "a very interesting table came to me this afternoon.  The customer came over 600 Km to bring it to my workshop.  It is a Reference 1 - serial number 22.  It was found in a cellar.....

3) SME gold plated 4) closer to the crust of it 5) 6)

7) 8) 9) 10)


--After twelve years in the cellar's atmosphere......

12) SME 3009 series III 13) An SME 3009 Series III

14) TP16/TP63 A TP16 / TP63

15) Controls, baby ..... Controls

16) Name Plate 17) Reference ID Tag 022 (click) id tag

18) scars

19) Scars scars.....and....20) more scars more scars

21) 22) 23)


25) it's a fucking casting



28) 29) 30)

* "This evening I changed the bearing oil and I started the table. It runs, a little low in speed but just adjustable. The motor pulley was bad, some little noise...so I looked in stock for exchange - and I found these parts."

31)   "Returning to the table, I saw him dying. Total collapse of the power supply. One of the two main capacitors was shorted, so I replaced both."

32) 33) 34) 35)

* "The table runs again, I also replaced the pulley clutch, see pictures.  Tomorrow I will look after the 3 phase motor drive, to normalize speed deviation. The bearing is absolutely perfect."

36) "if You turn it by hand to speed, it turns for a cigarette length"


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