-edible zone-

Otari: nicely made in Japan.

Revised Article date: 07/11/2023

*Otari MX-5050

--Above machine: Otari MX-5050 BII-2  (sn# 18403201)  It's a 4-head machine that accepts 10.5" reels......and smaller reels but with alternate hubs.

Records 2 track, Plays back 2 track, and plays back 4 track. (does not record 4 track) It's a semi-pro rig. They were often sold to musicians in musical instrument stores.

3 speeds: 3.75, 7.5 and 15ips (note in combination with a hi-lo switch under the back cover which must be operated to chose between 3.75 / 7.5ips or 7.5 / 15ips operation. And you have to remove the cover to switch it ! ( is that a negative?)

This machine proved to be free of any fault.  I had purchased it from its original owner back in 2009.  To get it I had to drive out in the country quite a ways.  When finally there I found that this tape machine and another larger machine (1/2" tape) were kept in a building separate from the residence.  The building served as a recording studio for its owner who had a band.  The Otari came with the factory ship carton and all of the materials supplied with a new machine.  Approximate time of original purchase, he said, was early 1980's.

When I got this home and set up I found that everything about its operation was without fault.  A near perfect* example with signs of friendly and careful use. (* minor cosmetic blemmishes as pictured.)

More photos:

* MX5050 BII-2 MX5050 BII - 2 (click thumbnail for full image size)

*Otari Box heads heads again

*Hubs Otari MX-5050 Hubs Hubs



*Look at those sockets ! Note smaller commercial reel while using a push-on rubber clamp.

*Otari Reel to Reel machine manuals in pdf format.  Click to open in Acrobat Reader.

* More Adventure with Tape